Sunday, August 17, 2014

2014 Columbia County Fair!!

Party for Uganda will be at the 2014 Columbia County Fair in Chatham NY from Wednesday August 27th through September 1st. Come check out our booth across from the Little Red School House, #16 on the map linked here.  Ticket information is linked here. Directions are linked here.
Hope to see you at the 174th Columbia County Fair!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

You can find us....

August 28th from 8am - 4pm come join Party For Uganda at the Canaan Historical Society on 13 Warner's Crossing Rd. in Canaan, NY.
Their web site says "It is located two miles south of NY Route 295 in the North East quadrant of Columbia County (near the Massachusetts border), just off County 5, on Warner's Crossing Road at Canaan Center." You can mapquest or e-mail us for detailed directions at

Here's a picture of the Historical Society, a former Presbyterian church. Historical Society

UPDATE on Medias!!
Medias has completed her schooling with Harriet, and has been hired to keep house and cook for a family!
She is thrilled to have finished top of her class and to have found a position with the first family who interviewed her.
She is now supporting herself and her son.
We are currently making arrangements to support another young lady from the Pregnancy Center in Harriet's Housekeeping and Cooking school.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Good News!

Hello, I wanted to update things. We had a successful weekend with the 9H Flea Market on Saturday and an event at King's Chapel Church in Glennmont N.Y. on Sunday. We are filling up our schedule for the summer months. We will be at the 9H venue on a fairly regular basis on Saturdays. So, maybe we'll see you there. Everything is going well in Uganda with Herb and Ellen Cook and Harriet Ssanyu.

I found out today that the bill to help in Uganda with the L.R.A. situation passed and is now on it's way to the President's desk. That is a huge answer to prayer and I am so grateful to all of you who raised this up in prayer. Please continue to pray that the President will sign the bill into law. Then we are hoping and praying that he will quickly put action to the words of this bill. I am so pleased with the forward movement on this situation, but continue to plead with you that you will not stop raising this up in prayer so that God can bring this to a final conclusion. Thank you for all your support, may God bless you this day, Suzanne

Monday, April 5, 2010

Situation in central Africa

Actions to be taken- I wanted to update you on what is going on in Uganda and the surrounding countries in regards to the LRA. The Ugandan military has been doing their best to deal with the LRA, they are being allowed to cross borders into neighboring countries to chase down the rebels. I found out Saturday that they believe Joseph Kony has fled to the Central African Republic from Sudan due to hunger and lack of cover. The Ugandan military has also carried out an operation against other factions of the LRA in Congo recently and captured two youths that have been fighting for the LRA. So, things are being done, but I think another thing that is necessary is the involvement of the USA in bringing this to a`conclusion. We definitely need to continue to bathe this whole situation in prayer. But also, there is a bill coming before the US House of Representatives called HR2478 -the Lord's Resistance Army Disarmament and Northern Ugandan Recovery Act. I have prayed, read the bill and decided to lobby for it to pass. The US can be a big help to the Ugandan military in apprehending members of the LRA while providing valuable assistance in rebuilding villages and also help people in dealing with the emotional and physical trauma they have experienced. If you think that this is part of your path as well, please contact your representative and ask them to support this bill. You can find the bill very easily on line, just google the name if you would like to read it. Thank you again, and Loreli and I will be at the Flea Market on 9H in Ghent NY on Saturday, April 10. From 9-4. Maybe we'll see you there!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A call to prayer

Hello, I wanted to ask you all to pray for the people of Uganda and Congo. I mentioned the L.R.A. in some of my other posts. It is a terrorist organization that has been reeking havoc in northern Uganda for 20 years. They abduct children to fight in their army and terrorize the local people. Through the power of prayer and actions taken locally they have left the Gulu district of Uganda, and are now known to be in Congo and thought to be in other neighboring countries as well. I will not go into details of their actions on this blog. It is too horrible to write about here. This situation needs to be drowned in prayer. Only God can bring victory. I will be taking some kind of conrete action but am praying as to exactly what that should be. I will keep you informed as to this situation and any actions I am taking. Please, please join me in prayer. Suzanne

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Psalm 119:169-176

"May my cry come before you , O Lord; give me understanding according to Your word. May my supplication come before You; deliver me according to Your promise. May my lips over flow with praise, for You teach me Your decrees. May my tongue sing of Your Word, for all Your commands are righteous. May Your hand be ready to lift me, for I have chosen Your precepts. I long for Your salvation, O Lord, and Your law is my delight. Let me live that I may praise You, and may Your laws sustain me. I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek Your servant, for I have not forgotten Your commands."
This is Medias and her little boy, Micheal. He is one and a half. The other photo is of Ellen and Harriet. On Monday, yesterday. Harriet started a school for young ladies to learn cooking and house work. With Harriet's drive and ability, and Ellen's help as mentor and leading morning Bible studies I believe it will be a success. We decided that we would sponsor a young woman from the Pregnancy Center who needed help in providing for a future for their child. We notified Veronica who runs the Pregnancy Center and she prayed and thought about which girl would do the best in this program and benefit the most. Medias came immediately to mind. She is 22 yrs old, made it through Junior year in high school. She is a hard working girl and has the added blessing of a mother who is helping her in every way. The first two days of class went well. She and her mother were so grateful for this scholarship. They thanked God and all of you who support this little ministry.