Thursday, May 13, 2010

Good News!

Hello, I wanted to update things. We had a successful weekend with the 9H Flea Market on Saturday and an event at King's Chapel Church in Glennmont N.Y. on Sunday. We are filling up our schedule for the summer months. We will be at the 9H venue on a fairly regular basis on Saturdays. So, maybe we'll see you there. Everything is going well in Uganda with Herb and Ellen Cook and Harriet Ssanyu.

I found out today that the bill to help in Uganda with the L.R.A. situation passed and is now on it's way to the President's desk. That is a huge answer to prayer and I am so grateful to all of you who raised this up in prayer. Please continue to pray that the President will sign the bill into law. Then we are hoping and praying that he will quickly put action to the words of this bill. I am so pleased with the forward movement on this situation, but continue to plead with you that you will not stop raising this up in prayer so that God can bring this to a final conclusion. Thank you for all your support, may God bless you this day, Suzanne

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