Monday, April 5, 2010

Situation in central Africa

Actions to be taken- I wanted to update you on what is going on in Uganda and the surrounding countries in regards to the LRA. The Ugandan military has been doing their best to deal with the LRA, they are being allowed to cross borders into neighboring countries to chase down the rebels. I found out Saturday that they believe Joseph Kony has fled to the Central African Republic from Sudan due to hunger and lack of cover. The Ugandan military has also carried out an operation against other factions of the LRA in Congo recently and captured two youths that have been fighting for the LRA. So, things are being done, but I think another thing that is necessary is the involvement of the USA in bringing this to a`conclusion. We definitely need to continue to bathe this whole situation in prayer. But also, there is a bill coming before the US House of Representatives called HR2478 -the Lord's Resistance Army Disarmament and Northern Ugandan Recovery Act. I have prayed, read the bill and decided to lobby for it to pass. The US can be a big help to the Ugandan military in apprehending members of the LRA while providing valuable assistance in rebuilding villages and also help people in dealing with the emotional and physical trauma they have experienced. If you think that this is part of your path as well, please contact your representative and ask them to support this bill. You can find the bill very easily on line, just google the name if you would like to read it. Thank you again, and Loreli and I will be at the Flea Market on 9H in Ghent NY on Saturday, April 10. From 9-4. Maybe we'll see you there!

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