Saturday, March 6, 2010

Hello again, it is late at night here in Uganda, the music is blaring from the bars at Kabalagala. They will be playing all night, it gets quiet at dawn, which is around 6:30. I run my fan and wear ear plugs. Kampala is a busy city! We had more thunderstorms and rains today. It is a bit early for the rains to come. We had Harriet's delicious pancakes for breakfast as well as porridge, fruit and tea. Then Herb headed out in the van and Ellen and I got ready to go to market. Herb came back and 'picked' us and dropped us down town. The traffic was bad as usual in Kampala. We went to a different market then Fridays. I was able to get many things, and I was even wheeling and dealing! They always barter here in Uganda, it's expected. I did fairly well, compared to my first trip to the market on '03!! We spent a few hours going through the shops. Then, it started to get HOT and we were getting hungry so we packed ourselves up and found a taxi. That would be a 'special hire', that is what they call what we would say in the States a 'taxi'. They call the vans that work more like a public bus taxi's, while a special hire is usually a Toyota corolla or such. Those you pay to take you directly somewhere. They are a bit more money but when you are loaded down with bags it is so worth it. We found some lunch and then both crashed for a while.

In the afternoon Sarah came to visit. I had decided to give her some of the clothes we brought for the prisoners. I also sent some clothes, a blanket, and a stuffed animal for the little boy that was in the prison with his mother. They try to get the kids out with a relative, but this boy was still nursing so for the time being needs to stay. They are very concerned with the effect that prison life can have on the children, sometimes it is hard to find a family member to take the child of an inmate. It is a sad tale. I also donated the funds to buy soap so the prisoners can wash there clothing. We were able to give those things to Sarah so the next time she goes to Soroti she can take them. She was very grateful. Thanks to all!

I did not have time to write about my trip to market on Friday. It is again getting late and I am tired, but I will tell you a bit. I was able to say 'hello' to some familiar faces and greet some new. Robina, Margaret was there, as was Lamla, the two Graces, Joy and Mama Abraham. The only pictures I took were of two adorable little helpers. The one little boy was wearing the beads and picking up others to hand to me. The girl was having lunch and laughing with her mother until she saw me. Then she got all serious and shy. Her mother was able to get her to give me a little smile. She smiled the most when I showed her herself in the camera. Digital can be a wonderful thing. Then Harriet and I got down to business. We worked as a seamless team, I picked out what I wanted and she wrote everything down and payed the ladies. We bought A LOT of beads in a short amount of time. Then headed back to the house by bota bota for a much deserved cup of tea and a rest. Harriet is such a blessing and a joy. God bless you all and thank you again for all your prayers.

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