Sunday, March 7, 2010


'Your word, O Lord is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.
Your faithfulness continues through all generations;
You established the earth, and it endures,
Your law endures to this day, for all things serve You.'
Psalm 119:89-91

Finally, the sun came out and stayed out all day. We were able to make it to church today, I am very grateful. We went to the church that Abdul and his family attend, it is nearby the fish farm and right up the road from were they are living. I went there the last time I was in Uganda. It is always nice to see some familiar faces. We thought we would be late since we had some van troubles on the way there. The van was over heating, Herb wants to put a bigger engine in the van but for right now they can't. So we pulled over and waited for it to cool enough to open the engine and add some water. We did and were able to travel on. We got to the 'road' that leads to the church and the fish farm. I am using that term very loosely, it is more what we would consider a well used trail. Barely enough room for vehicles to pass each other much less all the foot traffic that is every where. And ruts like you've never seen. I swear Herb is a miracle worker with where he takes that van!! You have to see it to believe it.

We picked up Abdul's children and some local kids walking to church, turned around and headed back up the road to church. Saidah met us at the church. We got there and church was just starting even though we were late, typical Africa.
There is a fairly new pastor at the church, it was a nice service. The singing was lively, the kids were adorable, and the message was scriptural. What more could one ask for? He preached and his wife translated into lugandan, the native language. We then headed to Saidah and Abdul's for lunch. They have three adorable boys, Sakore is 5, Sowifa is 7, and the eldest is Safike at 10. They keep Saidah and Abdul on their toes, especially Sakore! But they are good boys altogether. Saidah is a very good cook, and we enjoyed a delicious Ugandan meal with pineapple, sweet potatoes, irish potatoes, matoke, boiled eggs, and fried eggplant. All the food we ate was grown at the farm. I gave some of the clothes I had brought to Abdul's family because they recently had a fire and lost most of their things. I was glad we were able to help them as they start over. They are both a huge help to Herb and Ellen, Abdul can fix just about anything. And Saidah is willing to pitch in with anything. So Abdul and Herb looked over the van while we passed out the clothes, then, after some pictures we headed back to town.

We spent the rest of the afternoon resting, reading and getting things ready for the week. Ellen and Herb are helping with Ben and Annette's marriage seminar tomorrow so they were preparing for that and I had to get ready to go to Kamwenge with Ida. I was also able to get some of the crafts packed for the flight home. I will be leaving tomorrow afternoon and will be gone until Wednesday night. I am looking forward to being back in Kamwenge and seeing Jude and Miriam. (They are the children from the Mango Tree Kids that we support through the ministry.) But, being gone will make things hectic towards the end. That is always the way it is though. Please pray for safety in travel and that I will be able to accomplish all that God desires of me in Kamwenge and in the rest of my short time here. Also, Herb is not feeling well, so,please keep him in your prayers too. I am going to try to post again in the morning and hopefully get some pictures from today on, but if I don't then I will catch up with you all on Thursday. Good-night, and pleasant dreams.

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