Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Shifting Day"

Hello, I hope you are all doing well. We are having more rain than is normal for this time of year in Kampala. But when the sun comes out it is so beautiful and green. The rain causes much red, slippery mud which can make driving even more eventful then normal in Africa. We were planning today on going to church today and then to the fish farm for lunch with Abdul and his family but with the rain we knew that we would never make it up the hill. So we turned around, called Abdul to say "sorry" and headed to Afianex resturaunt for tea while we waited for the gate man to let us back into out new home.

In Uganda when you are moving into a new place they call it 'shifting' not moving. But if you are 'going' somewhere then they say "I was 'moving' down the road to work." So Saturday was 'shifting' day. Herb and Ellen had found and rented a flat just down the road from where we used to stay and just up the road from the Kenrock Hotel we were staying in when I got here. Thankfully Saturday was not a rainy day and we were able to get shifted with only a bit of the normal Africa shifting troubles. We did some cleaning the day before, but the painting was not done so we were working around everything. We shifted the essentials from the old house and will move the rest of it throughout this week. Other then the barking puppies we all slept well out first night. Anyone want a puppy? We are settling in, and Herb and Ellen are thankful to be set in one place for a bit. Thank you for all your prayers, we would not have been able to get through the last couple of days as well as we did without the blanket of prayers covering us.

I am still acclimating to the time change and due to the move we have not been able to even nail down a tentative schedule for my time here. So, I do not know what the week will hold for any of us. But I know that God knows and He holds us in His hand. One of the young men who came by with his new wife to visit the new house was saying its not true faith until you are living on the edge. That is certainly what I am feeling like at the moment. God has brought me here for His purpose and I have to have faith that He will accomplish it through me. God bless and good night from the other side of the world.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Finally Here!!

Hello from rainy Kampala!! Thank you so much for all your prayers. Things went like clock work for my flights and getting through security and customs. I had no problems getting my bags, I forgot they have these great little carts to pile all your luggage on. Easy as pie. Herb, Ellen and Abdul were waiting at the gate for me. We are staying in the Kenrock Hotel at the moment, hoping to get into the house that the Cooks rented for Saturday. They will be finished painting and cleaning by then, we hope. It is all close to where we were when I came before. I got the biggest hug from Harriet when she got here this morning. She thought I was getting in on Saturday, her face was priceless!! Ellen and Harriet and I then got ready and went and did a bit of cleaning at the new place. After that we went out for lunch. I had lawanbo, it is a kind of native stew/soup. I got the beef with g-nut sauce served in a bowl of steamed banana leaves and the meal was served 'with food'. That means we got rice, greens, matoke(hot mashed non sweet banana) posho,(another starchy form of mashed white corn) and a green sweet potatoe. Of course I had to have African tea with lunch! That would be tea with lots of milk and ginger. Yum!
My schedule is still being figured out. I will be going out to Kamwenge at some point and possibly up to Gulu. Of course there will be much shopping and visiting. Today is a day for resting and acclimating to the time change. Love to all and thank you again for all you prayers. There is much to be done and many to help here in Uganda. Pray for wisdom for us and that I will know what God would have me do with my time here. Suzanne

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

On her way...

7 pm Wednesday evening Suzanne's plane took off for London. After a 3 hour layover at Heathrow she will be on her way to Entebbe International Airport, Uganda.
Pictured here at JFK's British Airways security gate, Suzanne asked me to share this scripture with you.
Psalm 119:1-8
1 Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord! 2 Blessed are those who keep his testimonies, who seek him with their whole heart, 3 who also do no wrong, but walk in his ways! 4 You have commanded your precepts to be kept diligently. 5 Oh that my ways may be steadfast in keeping your statutes! 6 Then I shall not be put to shame, having my eyes fixed on all your commandments. 7 I will praise you with an upright heart, when I learn your righteous rules. 8 I will keep your statutes; do not utterly forsake me.

Check back frequently for Suzanne's posts and photos!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

All the beautiful beads!!

Ghent Reformed Church, February 20. Our last craft show/tag sale before my trip.

Organized chaos of packing!

Almost ready to go!

Hello, what a weekend! It was busy but also so good all the way around. Loreli and I had a good day on Saturday at the tag sale at the Ghent Reformed church. It was great to see all of you that were able to come. Then I headed up to Albany to visit family. I had a wonderful time visiting with my brother and his family Saturday evening. I try to touch base with all of my family and friends before I leave. I had a nice talk with my oldest sister on the phone tonight. I am not always up on the latest technology but it sure can be a useful thing. I do love email and phones! Today I attended both services at the Claverack Reformed and Ghent Reformed Church's. It was a blessing to spend time with our church family. I was grateful to have people pray over me as it gets closer to my departure. I crave your prayers as I head out on this latest journey. I know God will take care of me, but one never knows what the future holds. Every trip to Uganda is a different adventure, no matter what plans are made things go there own way. each day. One must be able to go with the flow. As the saying in Africa goes " T.I.A.- this is Africa." Which basically means take off your watch, relax, don't worry about schedule. Things will happen in there own time and order. Or maybe not at all!! I want to thank all of you for your prayers and contributions to my trip. My suitcases are filling up as you can see from the pictures of my spare room. Organized chaos. Got to love it!! God bless, Suzanne

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

One week to GO!

"Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name,
make known among the nations what He has done.
Sing to Him, sing praise to Him;
tell of all His wonderful acts.
Glory in His Holy name,
let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.
Look to the Lord and His strength;
seek His face always."Psalm 105:1-4

" Not to us, O Lord, not to us
but to Your name be the glory,
because of Your love and faithfulness." Psalm 115:1

Hello again, I wanted to write a quick update as things are moving forward at lightening speed to lift off. I also wanted to share the scripture that God has laid on my heart as I prepare to go on this mission. He truly does bless and lead above and beyond what I expect or deserve. I can not begin to express how grateful I am to all the people who are coming alongside of Loreli and myself on this journey. God is taking care of the details and I am so humbled that He cares about the little details of my life. I needed to get a new camera, digital. I knew exactly what I needed but could only get it through UPS. I was told it might not get here until the 22nd! Yikes, talk about cutting it close. That would not have given me much time to figure out the new camera and what if it didn't come at all? But, again, God worked in the details and I came home yesterday to find a box waiting for me. I am very pleased with all that this camera will allow me to do. It will definitely be a blessing in this ministry. I can't wait to get to use it in Uganda and be able to share all my photos with you!

Loreli and I will have a busy weekend with the Tag Sale at the Ghent Reformed church on Sat. from 9-2 and then I will be going to both our services on Sunday. One at mine(Ghent Reformed) and then to her church, Claverack Reformed. Tons of Fun! I am going to get all the crafts organized and packed for the Tag Sale after I sign off here.

That's it for now, have a good evening, God is good, Suzanne

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Getting ready to go Uganda!!

Hello to all, I am getting ready to go back to Uganda in less then two weeks. I am starting to pack, it is an extended process. I am figuring out what I need to take as well as fitting all the things that people have generously donated for the missions in Uganda. I am able to take three checked bags which was such as answer to prayer, that is a lot of donated eyeglasses, clothes, DVD's and books !!! Please pray for my traveling, that I will arrive safely and will be able to wrangle three bags through customs by myself! I am looking forward to the warm weather, it will be about 80 degrees and sunny. That will be a pleasant shock to the system after the cold snow of the beautiful North East.
I am looking forward to reconnecting with all the wonderful people I met on my previous trips, especially Harriet, pictured here with me and Ellen Cook on the steps of the Myenge house. She has become a dear friend, and is essential to us being able to fulfill our mission. She does the purchasing for us when I am not there, and will be my shopping partner and tour guide in Kampala. I love to Shop!
I am excited about being able to see Jude and Maria as well. They are the two orphans from the Mango Tree Kids who Party for Uganda supports. I will be traveling out to Kamwenge at some point during my stay to see them and the rest of the ministries of Parents Concern.
I will be blogging as I continue to prepare for my trip and during my time in Uganda. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers and please follow me on this blog as I embark on this journey February 24th. Love In His glorious name, Suzanne

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Uganda Again!

February 24th Suzanne is leaving for Uganda, again!
God has seen fit to bless this ministry in allowing her to return to Uganda. This is an amazing opportunity to reconnect with the people we have been supporting.

Suzanne's physical presence in Uganda allows the face to face relationship building which is necessary to develop this ministry into what God has called it to be. Beyond her time spent purchasing from, and reconnecting with, the crafters, she will be meeting with the indigenous ministries we support and doing follow up. She will be staying with Herb & Ellen Cook. Herb & Ellen serve the Lord in Uganda and mentor us in this mission. Currently they are preparing their fish farm for community fellowship events, Suzanne is looking forward to assisting them in various projects.
We appreciate the prayers and support we have received since God called us to this ministry two years ago.
Please pray for her safety and the success of her efforts in God's work in Uganda.
Contact us at to support Suzanne in this trip.

February Fun

Indoor Yard Sale
Join us for some shopping fun
February 20th Party for Uganda will be at
The Ghent Reformed Church 9am to 2pm
County Rte 22 just East of 9h in Ghent NY

How Bazaar...

The Ghent Reformed Church and Claverack Dutch Reformed Church held their annual Bazaars November 21st. Party for Uganda was at both events. We talked to many people and shared the story of the Ugandan widows who make the bead necklaces they were buying and the orphans who will be helped by their purchase. This little girl dressed herself up.
Beads are Better In Layers.
Ooh The Colors !!