Saturday, February 13, 2010

Getting ready to go Uganda!!

Hello to all, I am getting ready to go back to Uganda in less then two weeks. I am starting to pack, it is an extended process. I am figuring out what I need to take as well as fitting all the things that people have generously donated for the missions in Uganda. I am able to take three checked bags which was such as answer to prayer, that is a lot of donated eyeglasses, clothes, DVD's and books !!! Please pray for my traveling, that I will arrive safely and will be able to wrangle three bags through customs by myself! I am looking forward to the warm weather, it will be about 80 degrees and sunny. That will be a pleasant shock to the system after the cold snow of the beautiful North East.
I am looking forward to reconnecting with all the wonderful people I met on my previous trips, especially Harriet, pictured here with me and Ellen Cook on the steps of the Myenge house. She has become a dear friend, and is essential to us being able to fulfill our mission. She does the purchasing for us when I am not there, and will be my shopping partner and tour guide in Kampala. I love to Shop!
I am excited about being able to see Jude and Maria as well. They are the two orphans from the Mango Tree Kids who Party for Uganda supports. I will be traveling out to Kamwenge at some point during my stay to see them and the rest of the ministries of Parents Concern.
I will be blogging as I continue to prepare for my trip and during my time in Uganda. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers and please follow me on this blog as I embark on this journey February 24th. Love In His glorious name, Suzanne

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