Sunday, February 28, 2010

"Shifting Day"

Hello, I hope you are all doing well. We are having more rain than is normal for this time of year in Kampala. But when the sun comes out it is so beautiful and green. The rain causes much red, slippery mud which can make driving even more eventful then normal in Africa. We were planning today on going to church today and then to the fish farm for lunch with Abdul and his family but with the rain we knew that we would never make it up the hill. So we turned around, called Abdul to say "sorry" and headed to Afianex resturaunt for tea while we waited for the gate man to let us back into out new home.

In Uganda when you are moving into a new place they call it 'shifting' not moving. But if you are 'going' somewhere then they say "I was 'moving' down the road to work." So Saturday was 'shifting' day. Herb and Ellen had found and rented a flat just down the road from where we used to stay and just up the road from the Kenrock Hotel we were staying in when I got here. Thankfully Saturday was not a rainy day and we were able to get shifted with only a bit of the normal Africa shifting troubles. We did some cleaning the day before, but the painting was not done so we were working around everything. We shifted the essentials from the old house and will move the rest of it throughout this week. Other then the barking puppies we all slept well out first night. Anyone want a puppy? We are settling in, and Herb and Ellen are thankful to be set in one place for a bit. Thank you for all your prayers, we would not have been able to get through the last couple of days as well as we did without the blanket of prayers covering us.

I am still acclimating to the time change and due to the move we have not been able to even nail down a tentative schedule for my time here. So, I do not know what the week will hold for any of us. But I know that God knows and He holds us in His hand. One of the young men who came by with his new wife to visit the new house was saying its not true faith until you are living on the edge. That is certainly what I am feeling like at the moment. God has brought me here for His purpose and I have to have faith that He will accomplish it through me. God bless and good night from the other side of the world.

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