Sunday, February 21, 2010

Almost ready to go!

Hello, what a weekend! It was busy but also so good all the way around. Loreli and I had a good day on Saturday at the tag sale at the Ghent Reformed church. It was great to see all of you that were able to come. Then I headed up to Albany to visit family. I had a wonderful time visiting with my brother and his family Saturday evening. I try to touch base with all of my family and friends before I leave. I had a nice talk with my oldest sister on the phone tonight. I am not always up on the latest technology but it sure can be a useful thing. I do love email and phones! Today I attended both services at the Claverack Reformed and Ghent Reformed Church's. It was a blessing to spend time with our church family. I was grateful to have people pray over me as it gets closer to my departure. I crave your prayers as I head out on this latest journey. I know God will take care of me, but one never knows what the future holds. Every trip to Uganda is a different adventure, no matter what plans are made things go there own way. each day. One must be able to go with the flow. As the saying in Africa goes " T.I.A.- this is Africa." Which basically means take off your watch, relax, don't worry about schedule. Things will happen in there own time and order. Or maybe not at all!! I want to thank all of you for your prayers and contributions to my trip. My suitcases are filling up as you can see from the pictures of my spare room. Organized chaos. Got to love it!! God bless, Suzanne

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