Friday, February 26, 2010

Finally Here!!

Hello from rainy Kampala!! Thank you so much for all your prayers. Things went like clock work for my flights and getting through security and customs. I had no problems getting my bags, I forgot they have these great little carts to pile all your luggage on. Easy as pie. Herb, Ellen and Abdul were waiting at the gate for me. We are staying in the Kenrock Hotel at the moment, hoping to get into the house that the Cooks rented for Saturday. They will be finished painting and cleaning by then, we hope. It is all close to where we were when I came before. I got the biggest hug from Harriet when she got here this morning. She thought I was getting in on Saturday, her face was priceless!! Ellen and Harriet and I then got ready and went and did a bit of cleaning at the new place. After that we went out for lunch. I had lawanbo, it is a kind of native stew/soup. I got the beef with g-nut sauce served in a bowl of steamed banana leaves and the meal was served 'with food'. That means we got rice, greens, matoke(hot mashed non sweet banana) posho,(another starchy form of mashed white corn) and a green sweet potatoe. Of course I had to have African tea with lunch! That would be tea with lots of milk and ginger. Yum!
My schedule is still being figured out. I will be going out to Kamwenge at some point and possibly up to Gulu. Of course there will be much shopping and visiting. Today is a day for resting and acclimating to the time change. Love to all and thank you again for all you prayers. There is much to be done and many to help here in Uganda. Pray for wisdom for us and that I will know what God would have me do with my time here. Suzanne

1 comment:

  1. Love you miss you glad you arrived safely. Praying your schedule will be exactly what it is to be. Situation here has been hard. But of yesterday it will either come to an end or it will be a long and difficult new beginning. Love you always Shelley
